Commercialization of creative expression offers freelance artists money making opportunities. From corporations to galleries, a plethora of avenues exist for artists to sell work. Talented professionals often focus on the creative aspect of art as a business. Developing protective contractual agreements ensure that the artist and buyer agree on the terms of the transactions.
An artist must have a clear understanding of what a client is ordering. Graphic artists may use talented skills to bring commercial and advertising projects to life. Painters draw murals, which capture the imaginations of pedestrians and motorists. By using Precisely to document specific parameters in a contract, the buyer and seller may clarify specific elements in the agreement. An order section of a contract may include the type of art, size, color scheme, and objectives.
Time frame
Time is money, and most commercial artists agree to deliver artwork to a client at a specific time. Before entering an agreement, an artist must ensure that the client agrees to provide all the elements necessary for artist to complete the job. A client may provide the artist with a brief or a previously designed project that relates to the commissioned work. Whatever the type of art, nailing down as many specifics as possible related to the time frame may help avoid misunderstandings during the course of the project. Both client and contractor may choose to develop a timeline with predetermined milestones to ensure that each party meets his or her contractual obligations.
In the digital world, artists are able to receive payments in multiple ways. Check payments are still widely used by corporations and individuals. Receiving a check allows the artist to maintain a paper record, and the transaction becomes a part of the contractor’s permanent bank record. Credit card payments are easy to facilitate, using any number of processing options. Banks offer merchant accounts, and payment gateways like Stripe also give artists the freedom to accept credit card payments. Digital payment platforms such as Paypal or Zelle are also payment options, allowing an artist to receive money via a simple money transfer. It’s vital to ensure that each party understands the payment terms. Some artists work under an agreement requiring payment within 30 days. Others do not offer any credit terms and expect payment upon receipt of the art. Ideally, the two parties work together to come up with payment terms, which are acceptable to both contract signatories.
As artwork is creative expression, the artist must use his abilities to create a piece that also fits with the vision of the person or group commissioning the work. In some cases, a buyer may request a revision. Contracts should allow for such instances. For instance, the agreement may detail any additional costs involved with revisions or expressly exclude revisions. With the help of an agreement, an artist is able to ensure that his time is respected and he is paid on time.